Route information

Introduction/Additional information: 

13.1 This message allows the communication of pertinent vessel routing information. It should only be used in when important route information (e.g., mandatory or recommended route(s)) – not already provided by current official nautical charts or publications – needs to be relayed by authorities or vessels.

13.2 This message can be broadcast or addressed, depending on which alternative is more appropriate.

13.3 The information is time-dependent (i.e. has start date and time and duration).

13.4 In order to allow advance notice, this message should be transmitted prior to the start date and time specified for the routing information. It should not be transmitted more than one day in advance.

13.5 This message should not be transmitted beyond the designated date and time except for a cancellation message. A cancellation message can be transmitted using the same Message Linkage ID with Route Type of 31 (cancellation), a Duration of 0 and start date and time fields all set to not available.

13.6 ECDIS/ECS software should automatically remove the contents of the Route Information binary message from the display after the end date and time or after receiving a cancellation message.

13.7 Up to 5-slot messages can be created, however messages with more than 3 slots should be avoided.

13.8 The Message Linkage ID can be used to link additional text (e.g., a separate text message). However, the same source MMSI needs to be included in both the Route Information and additional Text Description message.

Permitted as from: 
IMO Circ. 289
Message number (0=VDES-VDE): 
FI / Message ID: 
in force
Number of slots (max): 
Last modified: 
29/01/2021 - 23:18