There are a lot of IALA documents concerning AIS.
- A-123 Provision of Shore Based AIS
- A-124 AIS Service (main document)
- App 0 References, Glossary of terms and Abbreviations
- App 1 Basic AIS Services, Data model & AIS Service specific MDEF sentences
- App 4 Interaction and data flow model
- App 5 Interfacing model
- App 9, 10, 11 Functional description of AIS Service components
- App 12 Co-location issues
- App 14 FATDMA planning and operation
- App 16 DGNSS broadcast via the AIS Service
- App 17 Channel management
- App 18 VDL loading management
- App 19 Satellite AIS considerations
- R0126 Use of AIS in Marine Aids to Navigation Services
- V-125 Use and presentation of symbology at a VTS centre
- V-128 VTS equipment standards
- O-143 Virtual Aids to Navigation
- R1001 The IALA Maritime Boyage system
IALA Technical Clafifications on ITU-R M.1371-4 (be aware the ITU-R M.1371-5 is the active ITU standard)
- 1026 AIS as a VTS tool
- 1028 AIS Operational Issues
- 1029 AIS Technical Issues
- 1032 Training of VTS personnel on AIS
- 1050 The management and monitoring of AIS information
- 1059 The comparison of AIS stations (superseeded now 1082)
- 1062 The establishment of AIS as an Aid to Navigation
- 1081 Provision of Virtual Aids to Navigation
- 1082 An Overview of AIS
- 1084 Procedure for the Authorisation of AIS AtoN
- 1095 Harmonised implementation of Application-Specific Messages (ASMs)
- 1097 Technical Features and Technology Relevant for Simulation of AtoN
- 1098 the Application of AIS - AtoN on Buoys
All this documentation can be found on the IALA official website at http://www.iala-aism.org/