The Netherlands has a wide area of Inland waterways and are very busy and widely spread. For Inland waterways there is program called River Information Services (RIS) that could be in some way be compared with IMO's e-Navigation. In Europe all information about RIS can be found at www.ris.eu
For The Netherlands all information about the Inland waterways can be found at www.vaarweginformatie.nl site. Also Electronic Nautical Charts can be freely downloaded from this site at www.vaarweginformatie.nl or https://data.overheid.nl/data/dataset/vaarweginformatie-nederland-enc
Electronic reporting can be done within the Netherlands with a freely available program called BICS. The website is provided for users of BICS and other parties that are involved in the process of electronic reporting for inland shipping. Skippers, (inland shipping) companies, waterway managers, developers of RIS technology and other interested parties can find comprehensive information about the BICS Inland Shipping Information and Communication System and the associated applications and standards on the site.
Currently at some locks in The Netherlands there is a test operational for supplying information about the arrival and sequence at these locks and/or bridges, the planned passings and the occupation of the waiting areas. The site to join this test is www.sluisplanning.nl
Since the 1th of March 2018 the website of blauwe golf verbinden shows the actual mooring facilities and their availability as well as the availability of bridges for shipping. This can all be found at this http://blauwegolfverbindend.nl/ website.
Also around locks and bridges there is also a information service showing the current occupation of docks and waiting areas. This is called Binnenvaart Ligplaats Informatie Systeem (BLIS) and can be found at the following website.
A combination of the above services is combined in the application RiverGuide where you can plan your trip and show all information needed for the trip. Before you can use the application you need to register on the RiverGuide website. The idea came from the Port of Rotterdam and is accepted by all Inland waterway authorities within The Netherlands.